Earth Gets Struck by a Space Laser Transmission 140 Million Miles Distant

A laser message that was just received by Earth from a record-breaking 140 million miles distant in space may have significant ramifications for space travel in the future. The sender of this letter, NASA’s Psyche mission, which is presently situated around 1.5 times the distance Continue Reading

Experts predict that the horned Devil Comet that is approaching Earth will blow up shortly

Greater than Mount Everest, the enormous comet known as the “Devil Comet” is hurtling toward Earth. This celestial body, which goes by the official name 12P/Pons-Brooks, is a periodic comet with an orbital period of 71 years. Comet 12P blazed across the skies in a Continue Reading

Scientists didn’t notice a skyscraper-sized asteroid until two days later when it was flying closer to Earth than the moon.

A space rock as extensive as a 20-story building cruised awkwardly near Earth last week, zooming by our planet at around a fourth of the distance among Earth and the moon — and stargazers didn’t see it until two days after the fact. On July Continue Reading